Skin layers: epidermis, dermis, and subcutis, ...Image via Wikipedia
Treating acne with over the counter remedies will rarely provide a permanent cure. This is because the products treat the symptoms not the cause. The symptoms are relieved for a time but they return and have to be treated again and again. This is great for the drug companies, as they get repeat sales, but costly and frustrating for the consumer. 

There is one drug that can give a permanent cure but it is one of the most dangerous and potent drugs on the market. It is generally prescribed only for the most severe acne and is a treatment of last resort. That is Isotretinoin, sold under the brand Accutane until June this year and sold under the brand names Amnesteem, Claravis and Sotret now. Really, if you read the list of side effects, some of them permanent, no one should take it. It is much better to make every effort to find alternative drug-free remedies. 

The Alternatives
What are the alternatives? Let me name two: a healthy lifestyle - a balanced, nutritious diet and a holistic program, preferably designed by a health professional. 

A healthy lifestyle helps keep our hormones in balance by controlling the sugar in the blood thus controlling the amount of insulin, which in turn limits the formation of an acne environment. 

A healthy lifestyle has to include regular exercise. A healthy diet plus regular exercise equals a healthy body. A healthy body fights ailments better than an unhealthy one. A healthy body has the energy to keep up the good fight and to help us maintain our good intentions. A healthy body will have fewer acne breakouts and will have a better chance of a permanent cure. This creates a good positive environment for other treatments to work.

A program is needed to put us on track and to keep us on track. Most of us are better with guidelines to follow. It's okay to say we have to do this or have to do that but not so easy when we have to do it ourselves. Much better and easier to follow a well-designed, proven program. Just as important is a strong follow-up plan to keep us on track, along with the opportunity to seek personal guidance when we need it. 

An effective clear skin program must have five crucial components: 

1. Internal and external cleansing

2. Internal strengthening and rejuvenating

3. Hormonal balancing

4. Lifestyle optimization

5. Goal setting and motivation

You don't need to spend money on over the counter treatments that may not work or risk your health with dangerous drugs. You simply need to discipline yourself to change your lifestyle and follow a safe, low cost program

After all, you have nothing to lose but your acne.

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